
Best Final Year Projects for Computer Science Student

Written by Bhimsen | Sep 28, 2023 1:53:07 PM


There are many options to choose projects for final year computer science. If you are a beginner in the field of computer science, then you must face the conundrum of finding the right project which will help elevate and provide the base for your remaining learning years in computer science as students.

Some of the skills included in Modern Computer Science industry are coding (using JAVA, python, R etc.), computation, data processing, network information security, web architecture, algorithm design, storage systems & management, and mobile development among others.

Acquiring and honing these skills are essential for the success in the field of Computer science. The discipline one requires for to computer science expert is derive from the undertaking of training through real-world Computer science projects and assignments which have real life and practical applications. Let us go and find out some of the real-life and practical applicable Final Year Projects for computer science cse.


Best Final Year Projects for Computer Science Student


1) IOT using Raspberry Pi

Internet of Things which is popular known as IOT, is the dream future being lived in the present.

With the power of the internet, IOT is changing the way one’s life was. More devices are connected to the internet every day from mobile devices, Refrigerators to houses, and automobiles.

As the market of IOT grows, so is the demand for the skillset and for creative people to realize this concept into reality.

This is a hands-on project as you will be building projects – working on the sensors and actuators. Planning the setup of the network to collect & analyze data by the sensors. The most popular of them is Raspberry Pi board to build Final year IOT Projects for CSE and ECE.

What you will learn with this project:

Using a Raspberry Pi computer and a DHT sensor, you will develop an electronic device that will stream temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification.
By building this project you will learn about:

  • IOT – Concepts & Applications
  • Raspberry Pi projects development platform
  • Data analysis with cloud platform

2) Surveillance Robot

The Mechanical Statue and the Ingenious Servant (1907) is the first movie to showcase the concept of Robots – called Mechanical Men (also known as Automatons).

At that point, it was just a science fiction which could have never come to reality, well, at least that’s what the people thought.

Fast forward to 2023 and that distance futuristic science fiction is the reality and may be what interpreted humanities future more than anything.

Robots are changing the world, and this may use in the project, as the idea is high concept yet realistic. There is no limitation to framework you can use, to use a Robot in a realistic scenario.

What you will learn with this project:

From this project, you will learn to build your own surveillance robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a micro controller and transmits live video footage over the internet. You will also program the robot to get instructions from a user at a remote location along with learning about –

  • Robot’s locomotion
  • Working of DC motors & motor driver circuit
  • Raspberry Pi Architecture and its Programming

3) Surveillance Camera Using IOT

One of the most popular concept is Surveillance Camera. As old times pass, modernization and globalization has only brought people closer.

Surveillance cameras only act as a measure of safety and security in trying times of crime in a fast paced world. To now keep an eye on your family or precious property from any distance with the help of the technology, IOT can make the surveillance process smarter and safer. 

In this project, you will build a surveillance camera using IOT that can be used to monitor your belongings real time for safety.

This project helps you learn Raspberry Pi and Python Programming as well.


What you will learn with this project:

With this project, you will use Raspberry Pi, a credit card sized computer as the brain and program it to transmit the video captured over the internet as live footages to your screen while learning about 

  • Image processing & its algorithms
  • Splitting Image Channels
  • Matplotlib Python plotting
  • Raspberry Pi Architecture and Python Programming


4. Fraud Detection using Machine Learning

2.2 million Credit Card frauds every year, half of them being identity theft. With technology growing at exponential rate, more and more people digitalize their daily financial activities for an easier access.

As and when this scenario shifts to the digital world, people need something to protect their monetary assets from digital crime.

Fraud Detection using Machine learning helps understand digital crime better to tackle with. This project can most likely be seen as a need of the hour.

Most banks these days are using machine learning to deal with this problem. This being a popular and realistic concept will give the edge above other projects.

You can learn how to use ML to use past banking data to identify such deceitful credit card transactions. This becomes a notch easier project as no prior experience in Python is needed. and we have listed best top 20 machine learning projects for final year students which helps you to understand better about ML projects.


What you will learn with this project:

In this project, you will learn about various machine learning algorithms and develop a fraud detection project using Python language.
By developing this project you will learn about:

  • Mean Squared Error Function
  • Linear Regression & its types
  • SelectKBest features
  • Gaussian Naive Bayes Algorithm
  • Confusion Matrix

These are some of the highly conceptualized and practical project ideas for final year projects in computer science to work on and learn from to find your space to put together real-world experiences as applications. These will help you gain confidence and an additional shiny star on your resume!